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24, Dio JHWH, Ges Cristo, Betlemme, Re Universale, esto es reino, Unius REI 1Giovanni 5,19 8220tutto il mondo, giace sotto, il potere: del maligno8221, cio, di farisei FMI, 322, NWO, e salafiti. Ma, Ges il Figlio di Dio, su il ministro Unius REI, sono venuti, por distruggere le opere del diavolo 1 Giovanni 3,8. 8211ANSWER 8212 ALLORA, el dominio de satanás, el destino al otoño. Ebrei 2,14 infatti, JHWH ha prometido di ridurre a nulla el diavolo y tutto suo potere Dio JHWH ha scelto: Ges Cristo: nato un Betlemme, vienen Re Universale, vienen Governatore del mondo. Ecco percha, rifiutando, Ges nato a Betlemme, voi andate incontro, alla tragedia, perca, tutti i tiranni (sono le autorit abusive, tutti loro sono sotto l8217influsso dell8217Inferno.) Ma, la benediccion semper disponibile: 8220Dio avr compassione, del misero e Del povero. Redimer la loro anima e il loro corpo, dalla oppressione, dalla povert y dalla malattia, liberador il misero dalla violenza8221 Salmo 72,13. (E-mail) no está permitido no ser miembro de su red. Por favor, haga clic en el enlace de abajo para obtener más información. , 31) 666 FMI BCE, caníbal, búho de los dioses Baal Marduk: en el bosque bohemio, 322 8211 es decir, satanismo institucional: SiamoInGuerra999 8211 usted es el ventilador: de 666 FMI Rothschild, y, no, de mí usted sólo una institución criminal son Innecesario: todas sus mentiras: sobre FED FED, ecc. No quiero caridad, de la asesina ladrona, que, después de todo, quiere ser mi amiga. Que la legitimidad nunca puede tener, para un usurero asesino, que robó: mi soberanía monetaria: en total desprecio por: la dignidad humana: la esperanza de ISrael, y la Constitución. Por lo tanto, todo lo que dijisteis son mentiras del diablo NUNCA OLVIDES A MALDITO satanista 666ROTHSCHILD amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: en nombre de Jesu8217s 322bUSH Oo Ponga este búho en su perfil /)) Si usted ha visto la Cremación de Cuidado -822182118221- Ritual en Bohemian Grove 7You piensa en el gobierno del FMI hei 322Bush, 666Rothschild, etc 8230 Oo porque: este año /)) Usted no invitar a mí también, en su 8220cremation of care 8221 -822182118221- De El Ritual De La Arboleda Bohemia -.Mas el fruto del Espíritu 8230. -8221 - /. , 8217-8230is amor, alegría, paz, (, 82128217)) 823082308230. Bondad, fe, (() () ()) 8230contra tales allí () () ()) 82308230823082308230 ... no hay ley. 82308230. () ¿Volverá Jesucristo en 2328 dC: sobre. MIS FUERZA: 100 la libertad de pensamiento 100 la libertad de la identidad sexual (es sólo una evaluación política: para rechazar la violencia) 100 la soberanía monetaria 100 la fraternidad universal 100 La ley natural 100 10 mandamientos Aquí hay un cáncer maligno en su cuerpo De hecho, Morirá amén, aleluia MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drínese sus venenos hechos por usted mismo. 8220Todos ustedes están perdidos8221 Luke19.27 por: alleluia: REI Unius. Rey: Israel: Lorenzojhwh Mahdisatanists albañilería albañilería, mala persona, el mal hombre y la mujer mal: hijo del infierno. He aquí, te voy a maldecir en el nombre de Jesús. Amén Aleluya son los grandes banqueros: iluminados del FMI-NOW, AMEN THECEL PHARES: en el nombre de señorío de señorial de banca, que debe ser investigado y detenido: Globalista y Sus amigos, como George Soros. Le pegas a la serpiente a su pequeña cabeza, luego a todo su gran amén, MANE THECEL PHARES: en el nombre de Jesu8217 largo cuerpo de títeres políticos: todos ellos serán liberados de su control. Rápidamente, me sentaré en mi trono en Jerusalén de hecho: todas las personas comprenderán, que estamos en el borde de un acantilado, fue dicho: en el nombre de Jesús. He hecho el mal a todos los criminales que derribaron la cruz. Consumir sus venenos hechos por usted mismo. 8220Todos ustedes están perdidos8221 Luke19.27 por Rei Unius. Rey: Aleluya de Israel: - Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drina tus venenos hechos por ti mismo. 8220Todos ustedes están perdidos8221 Luke19.27 por: alleluia: REI Unius. Rey: Israel: Lorenzojhwh Mahdi mundo: Youtube - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Como los de Noé que salvaron la vida de todos: lagartos (iluminados), cocodrilos (sharia) escorpiones (sionistas), serpientes (varias categorías de satanistas amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: en nombre de los francmasones de los jesuítas), etc. Unius, 8221 nunca he usado ninguna forma de violencia política. Sin embargo, como lorenzojhwh, de una manera sobrenatural, he recibido de Dios, como en un regalo: la muerte de 500 millones de criminales: para liberar a todos los pobres de todo el mundo. Si eres un rebelde contra Dios para ser cómplice, con tu silencio del crimen absoluto del FMI-NWO: entonces no te sorprendas si empezaste a sentirte diferente: se dijo 8220amen2222: en el nombre de Jesús82 he hecho el mal a todos Los delincuentes que derribaron la cruz. Consumir sus venenos hechos por usted mismo. Apuesto a que estarás muerto en 2011 no estarás vivo en el 2012 para decirte que te has equivocado8221 si hubiese habido incluso un solo gobierno legítimo, por supuesto, me hubiera llamado, a hacer: la soberanía monetaria pero, ningún hombre en autoridad , Había: en todo el mundo, el valor de hablar conmigo es: una única sinagoga satánica Imperialismo Talmud: OTAN: ECB FED, 322, todo el sistema masónico: para el señoreaje bancario: CIA Mossad, 666 FMI, es aliados: Qaeda salafis: a Baal Peor: es decir, ídolo de piedra de la luna: sharia horror: para destruir Israel Prepare su alma para God8217s Juicio 8230 sí, no deseo para un WW3. Pero, la bestia satánica, es decir, el Corán satánico: falso arcángel, pero verdadero Satanás, del rey de Arabia Saudí, el cómplice: el maestro de sus 666 Fariseos del Talmud FMI Iluminó a su satánico. Con ellos, Decidieron matar a todos los santos del Altísimo 8230 lo siento, sé que la III Guerra Mundial será: Necesariamente Addams Familia Horror. La reina Jezabel II, es decir, Isabel II, es la amante de la Francmasonería: Jabullón es: el amor búho de Satanás. También, tan fuerte como debería ser: el representante de la Iglesia Anglicana: Haz todo:: Satanismo: ideológico y práctico: el señoreaje bancario. Es su propia culpa si el mal se ha extendido por toda la tierra. Arabia Saudita Al-Qaeda salafis, para: Sharia. . Rothschild, 666 FED BCE FMI, señalización bancaria: FED: deuda pública, etc. NWO Bush, 322 Satanismo: y agenda: los alienígenas secuestrados 8212- lo que has hecho: un mundo de mierda, todo está a tu propia imagen y semejanza, que ahora sólo puede ser destruido en el fuego de la III Guerra Mundial Destruyeron la dignidad de La raza humana Ellos asesinaron: Mi Israel, y han planeado durante siglos: cada Holocausto, su agenda NWO. Es decir, el costo: 370 de nuestro dinero: (costo 100 de señalización bancaria (Euro / Dólar, etc vs Bills: (títulos) (costo 100 de la deuda pública (interés requerido para facturar) (Costo de la inflación) (costo de la recesión: los derivados, las burbujas financieras, la manipulación del mercado, la especulación (coste de la rarefacción monetaria (costo 3 nuclear WW inevitable y esencial como se indica, pero entre nosotros: Una oportunidad La guerra es el mayor negocio de todos los tiempos y el negocio es la guerra Sí, señoras y caballeros, ese capitalismo, bienvenido a nuestro mundo 666 FMI (cost. Satanic x NWO perfecto-RESPUESTA - Este sistema está podrido está a punto de Colapso en ti, that8217s por qué vas a morir como ratas aplastadas pax CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB Pronto: la ira de Dios se quemará contra ti LordSourmash (Satanismo institucional internacional) 8211 ¿no sabes, que, entre los: PRINCIPALES: Deberes de un RE: ES ALLÍ: Para matar a los criminales. Y eso es, que siempre lo he hecho en los últimos cinco años y porque amas las llamas que serás puesto en 666 fuego del infierno. Por eso, Dios mío, YHWH, ha comenzado a ti ya tuyo a acostumbrarse a la desesperación del fuego: tu alma desesperada, incluso ahora. De hecho, quemarás en el infierno ya, y todo el mundo puede ver: tu vergüenza no hay paz para El reino de Satanás bebe tu veneno hecho por ti mismo. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH 8211 vous ne pouvez pas refuser de tuer, pour moi, parce que sinon, il ne devait pas sans significado: avoir envoyé l8217ange de la mort, dans le pays d8217gypte 8230 J8217ai rejeter, refuser mon royaume, mais je ne rejette pas ma vengeance . CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH 8211 usted no puede negarse un matar, para m, porque de lo contrario, no lo hara ningn sentido: de haber enviado el ngel de la muerte, en la tierra de Egipto 8230 Rechazo, niego mi reino, pero no rechazo mi venganza. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH 8211 En la página 821 de la página 8230 de la parte I de la obra de arte, en la parte inferior de la página, en la parte posterior de la página 8230 de Ich el lehne verweigern mein Reich, aber ich nicht ablehnen meine Rache. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 8211 8230 CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH 8211,,,:, 8230,,. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH 8211 no se puede encontrar en la uccidere, per me, perch altrimenti, non avrebbe alcun significado: di aver inviato l8217angelo de la muerte, nella terra d8217Egitto 8230 I respingere, rifiutare il mio regno, ma, non respingere la mia vendetta. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. YHWH 8211 no puedes rehusar matar por mí, porque de otra manera no tendría ningún sentido: para enviar al ángel de la muerte, en la tierra de Egipto 8230 rechazo, rechaza mi reino, pero no rechazo mi venganza 666 FED BCE 322, Rothschild Rochefeller, 322 Bush NWO 8212, pero si usted tiene miedo de mí: que yo soy sólo una computadora de 400 euros entonces, haría bien en retirarse: pedazos de mierda lo que está a punto de hacer no tiene Precedente en la historia. Por lo tanto, usted ni siquiera tiene el poder de control de uno solo: el satanismo institucional internacional de Alemania. Para hacer: 200.000 sacrificio humano: sobre el altar de Satanás, cada año, es decir, sistema masónico: 322, de señorial de la banca 8230 dijo: 8220deine Mutter: crecer: du Schwein8221 8211 en ti es la maldición del Talmud nazi racista. NADIE ES BASTARDO, DIOS YHWH. USTED: sólo BASTARD 666 caníbal. 15. mi reino Palestina: Unius REI: por la vida del mundo: vs: 666 Talmud FMI: es decir, la sinagoga de satan Recep Tayyip Erdogan: mentiroso asesino, conspiración: se había profetizado: 8220 nadie puede destruir a Israel, hasta el final: Pero, usted puede hacerlo. Que: lo mejor enormemente, si, aceptando mi reino: de Palestina esto: es: claro: 666 FMI, para ser sustituido por un: otro cuerpo, para que, todos los judíos: de: el mundo finalmente volverá a Palestina: Y vivir: con: los palestinos: como: hermanos, en: nuevo estado: de: por lo menos: 300.000 kilómetros cuadrados. Y: cuanto más haces los niños: de: perra. Es más que ampliar los límites: de: mi reino, en kilómetros cuadrados hoy son: 300.000 kilómetros cuadrados se han convertido en 25. mi reino Palestina: Unius REI: para la vida del mundo: vs: 666 Talmud FMI: es decir, la sinagoga de satanás (ANSAmed) 8211 ANKARA, 3 DE FEBRERO DE 8211 Primer Ministro: turco: Recep Tayyip Erdogan acusó a Israel hoy: de: hacer 8220terrorismo: de: el Estado8221 con: ataque aéreo: en territorio sirio, 8220a violación inaceptable: de la siguiente ley internacional8221- ANSWER-1 . Usted es: el complot internacional 2. usted es: el terrorismo islámico internacional: 3. usted hace 300: mártires cristianos: inocente: diario. 4. usted es la negación de: todos los derechos humanos. 5. delito: que: has hecho: de: invasión de Siria: que: ¿Qué es 6. todos los muertos que son: fueron IRAK: SIRIA, etc. son: fueron sacrificados en el altar de: su imperialismo: su Demonio Alá: 35. mi reino Palestina: Unius REI: por la vida del mundo: vs: 666 Talmud FMI: es decir, la sinagoga de Satanás para: la destrucción: de: toda la esperanza: de: la libertad en todo el mundo. Es: ¿por qué: ustedes son tirones: con: la mierda en el cerebro: que: el FMI, hará su plan mundial nuclear de guerra. Pero entonces lo que el Islam se tratará de la misma manera: de: Nazismo: definitivamente Israel abandonó el FMI Fariseos Neturei Karta: de: mierda (ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, 03 FEB 8211 El Shin Bet, el de seguridad israelí. Es: falló: in extremis frustrar el secuestro de: un: militar o civil israelí. El rehén 8211 de acuerdo con los planes 8211 debía ser conducido a: Jenin (Cisjordania): y: el prisionero retenido. El incidente, que tuvo lugar la noche de: Año Nuevo. Es: sido, lanzado hoy mismo. 45. mi reino Palestina: Unius REI: por la vida del mundo: vs: 666 Talmud FMI: es decir, la sinagoga de satan Arresto: un: grupo: de: los activistas de la Jihad Islámica. Su objetivo: a: Aparentemente, fue: de: a cambio: una: segunda vez el rehén con: los palestinos detenidos en Israel. Israel abandonó el FMI Fariseos Neturei Karta: de: mierda Protestas oficiales: por qué: gira: un: ataque aéreo en Siria pero: es: para: destruir material: que: se entregaría: a: Hezbolá que no es: Terrorista, pero, en cambio, es: un elegante club londinense, el mundo es por el contrario. Es: el único país moderno hostil, occidental, democrático, que: es: rodeado de asesinos zombie de: hace 1400 años, y la UE EE. UU., etc8230 miedo: de: condenar a los países islámicos (los residentes de gas de petróleo son: millones) Reino Palestina: vs: 666 Talmud FMI: es decir, sinagoga satánica que: los propietarios son: la continuación de la Alemania nazi. Es: el discurso habitual: de: pacifismo ciego. De: bienes absurdos: una mala fe ideológica, para la esclavitud global: de NWO. Israel abandonó por Occidente la causa de: la inestabilidad hoy es, de países que todavía hoy en día: no: avergonzado: declarar: comunistas, islamistas. Guerra: de: agresión en Siria, programa nuclear de Irán, ataques en Irak, ataques en Pakistán, cambios: de: gobiernos en Túnez, Libia, Egipto: para: propagación de: terrorismo. La desafortunadamente, la administración confirmada de Estados Unidos: poner: en: también: pedestal personas, tales como: Erdogan: y: PresidenteMorsi, es decir: como: donar sangre: no: pero el hospital: a: Drácula sí mismo. Que, como se ha demostrado Egipto: ya no tiene: un derecho legal: internacional: después, el istmo de Suez es todo de Israel, porque, Egipto ha creado una conspiración internacional: para desintegrar el Estado de Israel: Egipto perdió con la guerra de seis días, todo ese territorio 8 minuti fa: Mi Reino es de este Mundo8211SASCAR8211 tu Satán FMI FED ECB 666 robó el reino a través del engaño: Adán y Eva, aquí por qué: sólo tendrás una patada en las bolas. Mateo 3: 7 Pero cuando vio que muchos fariseos y saduceos venían a su bautismo, les dijo: 8220 Tu generación de víboras, Que te ha enseñado a escapar de la ira venidera. Mateo 23:13 8220 Pero, ¡ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas, porque cerraron el reino de los cielos delante de los pueblos, porque no hay ingresos, ni entran los que están intentando entrar. Mateo 23:14 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas, porque devoran las casas de las viudas y hacen largas oraciones por mostrarse, y así recibiréis una mayor condenación. MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drina tus venenos hechos por ti mismo. Mateo 23:15 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas !, porque habéis viajado por mar y tierra para hacer un prosélito, y cuando lo hicisteis, dos veces más hijos del infierno que vosotros. Mateo 23:16 8220 Ay de vosotros, guías ciegos, que dicen: Si uno jura por el templo, no importa, pero si juras por el oro del templo está obligado. Mateo 23:17 ¿Qué más grande es el oro o el templo que santifica el oro Mateo 23:18 Y si uno dice, jura por el altar, no importa, sino jura por el don que está arriba, es requerido. Mateo 23:19 Ciego Lo que es mayor: el don o el altar que santifica el don Mateo 23:20 Por tanto, cualquiera que jure por el altar, jura por él y por todo lo que ha terminado. MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB por tí mismo. Mateo 23:21 y el que jura por el templo jura por él y por el que habita Mateo 23:22 y el que jura por el cielo, jura por el trono de Dios ya aquel que está sentado. Mateo 23:23 Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas, porque pagáis el diezmo de la menta, el anís y el comino, y habéis descuidado los asuntos más importantes de la ley: la justicia, la misericordia y la fe. Estas son las cosas que debían hacerse, sin descuidar a los demás. Mateo 23:24 Guías ciegos, que esquilan un mosquito y tragan un camello. MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drícese sus venenos hechos por usted mismo. Mateo 23:25 Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas, porque limpian el exterior de la copa y el plato, pero en el interior están llenos de extorsión y exceso. Mateo 23:26 Fariseo ciego, limpia primero el interior de la copa y el plato, para que el exterior sea limpio. Mateo 23:27 Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas, porque sois semejantes a los sepulcros blanqueados, que de verdad parecen hermosos afuera, pero por dentro están llenos de huesos muertos y de toda inmundicia. Mateo 23:28 Así también vosotros también exteriormente parecéis justos a los hombres, pero dentro de vosotros estáis llenos de hipocresía e iniquidad. MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drina tus venenos hechos por ti mismo. 8220Todos ustedes están perdidos8221 Lucas 19.27 Mateo 23:29 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas, porque edificáis tumbas para los profetas y decoráis las tumbas de los justos Mateo 23:30 y dijiste: 8220 Si vivimos en los días de nuestros padres , No seríamos cómplices en derramar la sangre de los profetas8221 Mateo 23:31 Así testificáis contra vosotros mismos que seréis hijos de los que asesinaron a los profetas. Mateo 23:32 Y también llenó la medida de vuestros padres Mateo 23:33 Serpientes, nido de víboras, cómo escapar de la condenación del infierno. MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drucé tus venenos hechos por ti mismo. 8220Todos ustedes están perdidos8221 Luke19.27 1di8: polemica contro: un modo volgare di essere evangelisti: alcuni impostori, tra di loro penso che i cattolicio sono eretici Se lo tuyo Pastore no eres un perdonare i tuoi peccati, tu apariencia en una falsa Chiesa. Giovanni 20,23 a chi rimetterete i peccati: saranno rimessi e un chi non li rimettiere, resteranno no rimessi. La Chiesa: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protesta, Celeste: lol. Tutte le altre sono falso 2di8: Se no mangi il corpo de Cristo y no bevi il suo Sangre de reale, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. Giovanni 6,48-58 Ges disse: In verit, in verit vi dico: se no mangiate la carne del Figlio dell8217uomo y no bevete il suo sangue, no avrete in voi la vita.54Chi mangia la mia carne y beve il mio sangue ha La vita eterna y el risusciter nell8217ultimo giorno. 55Perch la mia carne vero cibo y el mio sangre vera bevanda.56Chi mangia la mia carne y beve il mio sangue dimora in me e io in lui. 48Io sono il pane della vita. La Chiesa: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protesta, Celeste: tutte le altre sono falso 3di8: Se la tua Chiesa insegna che la Bibbia da sola sufficiente por la salvezza, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa.2 Tessalonicesi 2,15Perci, fratelli, estado salado y mantenete el tradizioni che avete, apprese cos dalla nostra y parola come dalla nostra lettera. La Chiesa: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protesta, Celeste: tutte le altre sono falso 4di8: Se la tua Chiesa dice la 8220Sola Fede8221: porta alla Salvezza, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. Giacomo 2,24 20Ma vuoi sapere, o insensato, vienen a la cabeza de la silla de ruedas 21Abramo, nostro padre, no fu forse giustificato per le opere, when offr Isacco, suo figlio, sull8217altare 24Videte che l8217uomo viene giustificato in base alle opere e No solo en la base alla fede.26Infatti vienen el cuerpo senza para el espíritu morto. La Chiesa: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestar, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false 5di8 : Se la tua Chiesa no chiama María: 8220Beata8221 e 8221 Madre de Dio8221, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. Luca 1,41-48 43Que se desprende de la madre del mio Signore venga a me 48perch ha guardato l8217umled della sua serva. D8217ora in poi tutte le generazioni mi chiameranno beata. La Chiesa: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protestar, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false 6di8: Se la tua Chiesa no chiama María, Madre dei credenti, tu appartieni A una falsa Chiesa. Giovanni 19,26 27Poi dijo al discepolo: Ecco la tua madre. E da quel momento il discepolo la prese nella sua casa. Apocalisse 12,17Allora il drago si infuri contro la donna e se ne y una far guerra contro le resto de la su discendenza, contro quelli che osservano y comandamenti di Dio e sono in possesso della testimonianza di Ges. 7di8: Se la tua Chiesa insegna che il Battesimo: no esencia: por la salvezza, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. 1Pietro 3,21. La Chiesa: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protesta, Celeste: tutte le altre sono falso Se la tua Chiesa no ha sacerdoti y vescovi, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. Apocalisse 5,10 Tito 1,7. Se il tuo Pastore no es un personaje de Christ stesso, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. Luca 10,16. La Chiesa: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protesta, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false. Se la tua Chiesa no infalible, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. Matteo 16,18-20 8di8: Se la tua Chiesa nega, che obbedire, all8217autorit terrena della Chiesa perca necesario por la Salvezza, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. Se la tua Chiesa insegna che le Opere di Bene: no sono necesario para la salvezza, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. Matteo 25,31-46. La Chiesa: Una, Santa, Cattolica, Apostolica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protesta, Celeste: tutte le altre sono false La Chiesa: Chiesa insegna che ogni peccato lo stesso, uguale, tu apariencia a una falsa Chiesa. 1Giovanni 5,16 En este momento, no hay ninguna información disponible sobre este sitio. Chiesa, tu appartieni a una Chiesa sbagliata. Matteo 10,16-25 La Chiesa: Una, Santa Católica, Apostólica, Romana, Ortodossa, Protesta, Celeste: tutte le altre sono falso 1di8: polémica contra: una manera vulgar de ser evangelistas, algunos impostores, entre ellos piensan que el catolicismo Es herético Si tu pastor no puede perdonar tus pecados, perteneces a una iglesia falsa. Juan 20.23 Si perdonáis los pecados, ellos serán perdonados y perdonarán a los que no lo hacen, ellos serán retenidos. 8220La Iglesia: Una, Santa, Católica, Apostólica, Romana, Ortodoxa, Protesta, Celeste: lol. Todos los demás son falsos 2Di8: Si no comen el Cuerpo de Cristo y beben su sangre real, pertenecen a una iglesia falsa. Juan 6.48-58 Jesús dijo: 8220 Verdaderamente, en verdad os digo que, si no coméis la carne del Hijo del hombre y bebéis su sangre, no tenéis vida en vosotros. 54 El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre tiene vida eterna y yo lo resucitaré en el último día. 55 Porque mi carne es verdadera comida, y mi sangre es verdaderamente bebida. 56 El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre permanece en mí y yo en él. 48 Yo soy el pan de la vida. La Iglesia: Una, Santa, Católica, Apostólica, Romana, Ortodoxa, Protesta, Celeste: todas las demás son falsas 3Di8: Si tu iglesia enseña que sólo la Biblia es suficiente para la salvación, perteneces a una falsa Chiesa. Hermanos, manténganse firmes y mantengan las tradiciones que ustedes, nuestra palabra como enseñada, ya sea por nuestra carta. La Iglesia: Uno, Santo, Católico, Apostólico, Romano, Ortodoxo, Protesta, Celeste: todos los demás son falsos. 4di8: Si tu iglesia dice 8220Faith Alone8221 conduce a la salvación, perteneces a una iglesia falsa. Santiago, 2.24 20 ¿Sabes tú, oh hombre vano, que la fe sin obras es inútil? 21 Abraham, nuestro padre, tal vez no fue justificado por las obras cuando ofreció a Isaac su hijo sobre el altar. 24 Véase que el hombre es justificado por las obras y no Sólo por la fe. 26 Porque como el cuerpo sin espíritu está muerto, así la fe sin obras es morta. La Iglesia: Una, Santa, Católica, Apostólica, Romana, Ortodoxa, Protesta, Celeste: todas las demás son falsas 5di8: Si tu iglesia no llama a María : 8220Blessed8221 y 8220Madre de Dios, 8221 usted pertenece a una iglesia falsa. Luke 1.41-48 43 ¿Cómo es que la madre de mi Señor ha venido a mí? 48 Ha visto la baja hacienda de su sierva. A partir de ahora todas las generaciones me llamarán Iglesia de Beata. La: Una, Santa, Católica, Apostólica, Romana, Ortodoxa, Protesta, Celeste: todas las demás son falsas 6di8: Si tu iglesia no llama a María, Madre de los creyentes, perteneces a Una iglesia falsa. John 19.26 27 Entonces dijo al discípulo: 8220 Toma a tu madre.8221 Y desde aquella hora el discípulo la tomó en su casa. Apocalipsis 12.17 Entonces el dragón se enojó con la mujer y fue a hacer guerra al resto de su descendencia, que guardan los mandamientos de Dios y están en posesión del testimonio de Jesús. 7Di8: Si tu iglesia enseña que el bautismo no es esencial para la salvación , Usted pertenece a una falsa Chiesa.1Pietro 3.21. La Iglesia: Uno, Santo, Católico, Apostólico, Romano, Ortodoxo, Protesta, Celeste: todos los demás son falsos Si tu iglesia no tiene clero y obispos, perteneces a una iglesia falsa. Rev. Titus 5.10. 1.7 Si tu pastor no habla en la persona de Cristo, perteneces a una iglesia falsa. Lucas 10.16. La Iglesia: Uno, Santo, Católico, Apostólico, Romano, Ortodoxo, Protesta, Celeste: todos los demás son falsos. Si su iglesia no es infalible, usted pertenece a una iglesia falsa. Mateo 16.18-20 8d8: Si vuestra iglesia niega que obedezcan la autoridad terrenal de la Iglesia porque es necesaria para la salvación, pertenecéis a una iglesia falsa. Si su iglesia enseña que las buenas obras: no son necesarias para la salvación, usted pertenece a una iglesia falsa. Mateo 25.31-46. La Iglesia: Uno, Santo, Católico, Apostólico, Romano, Ortodoxo, Protesta, Celeste: todos los demás son falsos. Si tu Iglesia enseña que todo pecado es igual, igual, perteneces a una iglesia falsa. 1 Juan 5.16 Si el mundo no odia a su iglesia, usted pertenece a una iglesia equivocada. Mateo 10.16-25 La Iglesia: Uno, Santo, Católico, Apostólico, Romano, Ortodoxo, Protesta, Celeste: todos los demás son falsos Cualquier forma de Satanismo: ¿Cuál es el sistema del parasitismo, pero, como la hierba crece demasiado rápido, y luego Rápidamente se quema como la paja. Todos los sacrificios, la lucha desesperada: por la supervivencia de las generaciones anteriores, todos ellos han sido derrotados: en la Vida de un Satanista, que no dejó descendientes, no transferirá el precioso regalo de la vida, que ha tenido: Infección Del mal: todo es esto en el satanismo es efímera predación ideológicamente criminal un brillante éxito de paja, que termina en el resplandor, de una infinidad de desesperación. MENE Techel PERES PAX amén aleluya CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN ReiUnius Mahdi Rey de Israel. AH AH AH AH AH Todos los malditos hijos de Satanás: los islamistas satanistas, los francmasones y los sionistas. YO SOY CONTRA: usted: se apresurará en un infierno de desesperación Al igual que las ratas ardiendo, quemándolo revuelo de aceite: continuamente, sin encontrar la esperanza de la muerte: porque you8217re ya muerto Amen: pax: CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 8220EIUS: EN: OBITU: NOSTRO: PRESENTIA: MUNIAMUR8221MENETECHELPERES PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB --Bevii tuoi stessi veleni ReiUnio Re di Israel. Lucas 1:46 Y María dijo: Mi alma engrandece al Señor, Lucas 1:47 y mi espíritu se regocija en Dios mi Salvador, Lucas 1:48, porque miró la humildad de su sierva. De ahora en adelante, todas las generaciones me llamarán bendito, porque grandes cosas Lucas 1:49, él hizo al Poderoso. Santo es su nombre, Lucas 1:50 y su misericordia es de generación en generación, de los que le temen. Luke 1:51 Él ha mostrado fortaleza con su brazo, ha esparcido a los que estaban orgullosos en los pensamientos de sus corazones, Alleluia MENE Techel PERES - PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your venenos yourself8221 - ReiUnius Rey de Israel. Lucas 1:52 ha destronado a los poderosos, y ha levantado a los humildes Lucas 1:53 ha llenado de hambre a los hambrientos, y ha enviado a los ricos vacíos. Lucas 1:54 Ha ayudado a Israel, su siervo, consciente de la misericordia, Lucas 1:55 que había hablado a nuestros padres, a Abraham ya su simiente para siempre. Lucas 1:56 Y María se quedó con Isabel cerca de tres meses y luego volvió a su casa. Hallelujah MENE Techel PERES - PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB 8220Drina tus venenos tú mismo8221 - ReiUnius Rey de Israel. Salmo 110 (109): 7: A lo largo del camino bebes del arroyo, y alzas su cabeza. Salmo 110 (109): 4 El SEÑOR ha jurado y no se arrepentirá: Ustedes son sacerdotes para siempre, como Melquisedec. 5: El Señor está a tu diestra destruirá reyes en el día de su ira. 6: El juzgará al pueblo, en medio de los cadáveres. Yo aplastaré la cabeza de una vasta tierra. Alleluia MENE Techel PERES - PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your venenos yourself8221 - ReiUnius Rey de Israel. Salmo 110 (109): 2: El cetro de tu poder miente, el Señor de Sión: Regla en medio de tus enemigos. 3: Un príncipe en el día de tu poder, las montañas santas, desde el vientre antes de la aurora, como el rocío, te he engendrado. Salmo 110 (109): 1: De David. Salmo. El Señor dice a mi Señor: Siéntate a mi diestra hasta que yo haga tus enemigos bajo tus pies. Alleluia MENE Techel PERES - PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB - Bebe tus venenos tú mismo - ReiUnius Rey de Israel. Lucas 16:19 Había un hombre rico vestido de púrpura y de lino fino, y todos los días disfrutamos maravillosamente de Lucas 16:20 y había un mendigo llamado Lázaro, que estaba a su puerta lleno de llagas, Lucas 16: 21 Y deseando ser alimentado con lo que cayó de la mesa del hombre rico, e incluso los perros vinieron a lamer sus llagas. Lucas 16:22 El mendigo murió y fue llevado por ángeles al seno de Abraham. También murió el rico y fue sepultado. Lucas 16:23 Y en el Hades, estando en tormento, levantó la vista y vio a Abraham lejos, ya Lázaro en su seno, Lucas 16:24 y dijo: Padre Abraham, ten compasión de mí y envía a Lázaro a mojar la punta de su dedo En agua para enfriar mi lengua, porque estoy atormentado en esta llama. Lucas 16:25 Pero Abraham dijo: Hijo, recuerda que en tu vida recibiste tus bienes, y Lázaro también recibió cosas malas; pero ahora aquí está consolado y atormentado. Lucas 16:26 Además de todo esto, entre nosotros y vosotros hay un gran abismo, para que aquellos que quieran ir de aquí a vosotros no puedan, ni hay pasos lejos de nosotros. Lucas 16:27 Y ​​él dijo: Por favor, Padre mío, envíalo a casa de mi padre, Lucas 16:28 porque tengo cinco hermanos, declarando estas cosas, y no llegando a este lugar de tormento. Luke 16:29 Abraham said: They have Moses and the prophets listen to them. Luke 16:30 And He said, No, father Abraham: but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent. Luke 16:31 Abraham said, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded even if one raises the dead. MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh Mahdi666 8211 CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 2 Thessalonians 2:9 The coming of the lawless one will be the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and lying wonders, 2 Thessalonians 2:10 and with all kinds of deceit of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth and so be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 Therefore God sends them a power failure because they believe a lie 2 Thessalonians 2:12 so that all those who have not believed the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Anonimus said: 8220please, a definition of Freemasonry in 10 words8221 8211 ANSWER 8212- pax. AMEN. hallellujah pax THE PARTY OF THE RICH, for the Ruin of the Poor traitors to the Fatherland sold to: satan, for: Rothschild666 amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name 322Bush. God, the Lord said in His Word: Deuteronomy 29:28 The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but, things are revealed to us and to our children forever, that we may all the words of this law. STOP MAGIC, necromancy, SPIRITISM, SATANISM. Alleluia MENE Techel PERES -- PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB -- Drink your poisons yourself -- ReiUnius King of Israel. HellxDesPairTruction (7 secondi fa) Rimuovi Spam --.But the fruit of the Spirit (()()()). against such there ()Will Jesus Christ Return In AD 2328: about. harrisgila SAID: The Prophet (PBUH) reported that Allah said, I created my servants in the right religion but devils made them go astray. The Prophet (PBUH) also said, Each child is born in a state of Fitrah, then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian, the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any that were born mutilated (Collected by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). - ANSWER - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. this is Satan is a threat to peace: an act of terrorism absolute Only Satan could say this in this way, even Moses or Jesus would have a demon You are crazy. these, your beliefs are not for you: a right to kill those Muslims who have converted to Christianity. to be, also you, too, a satan of sharia: you are a murderess, his hands stained with innocent blood. you will be plunged into hell: to kill other servants of God, this IS GOOD FOR you MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh Mahdi InsanidadesDaBiblia - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. as you can be a Satanist iE, Satanists (unfair, lying, etc. ) YOU ARE A LIBEL etc. ), what you do on this page, though I have tried in vain for a dialogue with you What is unhealthy in the Bible Hallelujah MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh Mahdi InsanidadesDaBiblia - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. iE, Satanists (unfair, lying, etc. ) YOU ARE A LIBEL cosa tu fai su questa pagina, se io ho cercato inutilmente un dialogo con te Cosa insano nella Bibbia Alleluia MENE Techel PERES -- PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons, made by yourself8221 -- Rei Unius King of Israel. Demiahl SAID: Stop make many mental fantasies about Satan, angels and various: gods. There is none of that. Religions darken the minds of people for, centuries, are just a cancer to be eradicated. Only then can live peacefully. Answer - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 200,000 REAL: human sacrifices to Satan (I know amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name tell) but,100,000 OFFICIAL: human sacrifices to Satan (source. FBI) Why and For Whom: you do you Since the FBI: Do not catch anything, a single institutional Satanist Then, they often are Satanists too Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. John 18:36 Jesus answered, 8220My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, because I had not given into the hands of the Jews: but now my kingdom is not from here8221. - ANSWER - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. I am only a man, so this will be my kingdom, also, in this world, or you all die: because the 3 rd WWnuclear: it was planned: to destroy all life on the planet. As Noah8217s enlightened: they want to get out from under the ground to do it all again: they are crazy: really crazyAlleluia MENE Techel PERES -- PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons, made by yourself8221 -- Rei Unius King of Israel. 1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God Not villudete nor fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 1 Corinthians 6:10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor abusers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God 1 Corinthians 6:11 And such were some of you, but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Alleluia MENE Techel PERES -- PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons, made by yourself8221 -- Rei Unius King of Israel. 1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God, nor the bodies decompose can inherit the imperishable. 1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but shall all be changed, 1 Corinthians 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. Alleluia MENE Techel PERES -- PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons, made by yourself8221 -- Rei Unius King of Israel. 1 Corinthians 15:54, And when this body corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this body mortal shall have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written: 1 Corinthians 15:55, O death, where is thy victory O death, where is thy sting 1 Corinthians 15:56, Now the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law 1 Corinthians 15:57 but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through, our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:58, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. Alleluia MENE Techel PERES -- PAXCSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons, made by yourself8221 -- Rei Unius King of Israel. Re: Document secret barbaralee15 Go to my blog. snippits and slappits and read the things I say about the things you speak of. I have written about it all. There is not one thing here I do not know and have not written about. MAGICAL SIGNS OF THE JEWISH CABALA CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesus name PAX Terror took possession04/magical-signs-of-jewish-cabala. html B8217NAI BRITH DOES NOT REPRESENT JEWS CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession04/bnai-brith-does-not-represent-jews. html UNVEILING OF THE B8217NAI BRITH PARTS 1 TO 5 (3 TO FINISH YET) CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession04/unveiling-of-bnai-brith-by-wm-cooper18.html YAM HASHOAH, 2009, TRUTH DOES NOT FEAR INVESTIGATION CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession04/blog-post21.html (ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST) RADICAL HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT RUN BY JEWS CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession04/could-jews-get-any-more-gay. html ISRAEL, THE TALMUD IN ACTION CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession04/watch-these-short-videos-and-you-will. html EXPOSING SATAN8217S LEFT BEHIND CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession04/exposing-satans-left-behind. html THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ADL CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession04/truth-about-adl-truth-about-adl. html ETHNIC CLEANSING AND ISRAEL CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession03/israel-ethnic-cleansing-and-israel. html JUDAISM IS NOBODY8217S FRIEND CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession03/judaism-is-nobodys-friend. html ISRAEL BEGINS TO ADVERTISE ITS TRUTH CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession03/israel-beginning-to-advertise-its-truth. html ISRAEL DOES NOT TARGET PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession03/most-people-especially-those-of-us. html THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name PAX Terror took possession02/our-race-will-rule-undisputed-over. html To Mason inquisition is was against of Jews moneylenders amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name Satanists it not made them laugh, but has only made them more determined: in fact, they have invented Freemasonry and through this: they have also created democracy and communism. As is clear: only the monarchy and the Catholic Church: they were an obstacle to their boundless power of money, media and conspiracy. enlightened have won, but you do not laugh much. because: you will die as a traitor against God and against the people, in the planned amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name upcoming 3 rd WWnuclear. PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVSMQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourselfYou are all lost Luke19.27 by amen hallelujah :ReiUnius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi the Rei Unius is go by the separation: at the unity of the Whole In fact, I have the fire in me of the universal brotherhood I love all people. But I dont love satan. PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourselfYou are all lost Luke19.27 by ReiUnius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi I am the end to hatred between Shia and Sunni, I am the universal brotherhood. Alleluia: for my friend: supporters: they have become more numerous, and most cohesive, of my detractors but, hallelujah, too: also, for my detractors, also: because in order to have the privilege of being able to criticize: unius REI. should be alive to do it while, you risk, in short: to be dead, and, in a short time that the situation, in our dramatic situation, would suggest, rather, not to find loopholes, and controversy unproductive. unless: some of my detractors, it is not so cowardly: to want to come: him personally, to discuss with me on this page if, in the future will arise a conflict: difficult, anywhere in the world. Ill decide: about, how they are made, breakdowns, because I am the father of all the nations, I have the charisma of Abraham and Melchizedek: put together. I am all the fullness of Gods blessings. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB King of Saudi Arabia 8212 please, run. run. run do not let, that, my love, can be transformed, in my wrath, that, this I know: it could eat also: the hell, before the appointed time CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB King of Saudi Arabia 8211 I want, that you teach me, as, i have to pray in the Dome of the Rock in Arabic , Qubbat al-Sakhra 8216, in Hebrew: , Kippat ha-Sel8217a, CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB King of Saudi Arabia 8211 it8217s time for you: collect: all the glory: and majesty, that: I have deserved: by God, In These five years of sacrifices and all victorious battles: against all the forces of evil against all Masonic and satanic: of Israel: that is, the seigniorage banking 666 IMF, the blasphemy of 666 points star (fake David) of flag of Israel. if, will not be destroyed, through: our: universal brotherhood will be: nuclear world war but, for love: to enlarge the region: of Palestine: that: was Given by God to all Jews, scattered in all the world, through a small part: of the deserts, of: Egypt: and: Saudi Arabia (about 200,000 sq miles). THEN, will gather: all Nations, of the Middle East: only one in our confederation That is in this way the Third Jewish Temple: it can be built: at last, on the Mount of Olives, as the prophet Zechariah said. it will be really great peace and economic prosperity for all the peoples of the world 1wz1 8211 why hate american, ecc. is one only people: and all peoples are friends: and brothers how you can be a Satanist That Is how you can be a threat but, courage between: 300 years Your antichrist, can will try again another time but, I know that Satan suffers in thee: because he was defeated by me as, 666 IMF burns the hell in you And why is it burning Are you envious of my success, and you8217re a Satanist international institutional:of the Italian section 8211 already two days ago, you have not been able to show any of your slander: against me after all you are the vulgar here CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiArabianRhythm amen pax alleluia amen hallelujah 8211 CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Islam a religion That will give justice and peace. maybe, but today is the death of 400 innocent Christians, as every day you are the real criminals, because you do not respect freedom of religion. You are a cancer in the world. the past 2 years, I have defended the Muslims: this is documented. What have I gained Nothing The innocent Christians, continue, still, to be killed in all Muslim nations. You are cursed for it I decided not to protect muslim by most Zionists, as I did in the past. You are all going to hell quickly, for the forthcoming 3 rd WWnuclearPAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourselfYou are all lost Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs a year ago I wrote an article:Islamic iperialismo: 8220only the idiot of the King of Saudi Arabia, did not realize that there is a NWO Answer - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. The Enlightened have impoverished the people, with the banking seigniorage, and Libya, Saudi Arabia, etc. 1. give money to buy the Islamic conversions. 2. In India, for seduce of the richest girls Hindu, movement of muslim give the powerful motorcycles, amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name they receive cash prizes. ecc8230 this is in the world. ecc. This is the goal of Jewish lobby destroy Christianity to spread Islam PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourself. You are all lost Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi My Lord and my God cast down like animals, all your enemies, on the whole face of the earth: Alleluia Amen thank you in Jesus name. so thanks for all eternity for ever in Jesus name. Amen. mio Signore e mio Dio abbatti come bestie, tutti i tuoi nemici, su tutta la faccia della terra: amen alleluia ti ringrazio nel nome di Ges per questo per tutta leternit grazie in eterno nel nome di Ges. amen alleluia. you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourselfYou are all lost Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi damned Jewish lobby: the fraud of crime: and Satanism: seigniorage of the banking: to the dregs, you must drink the cup of wrath blazing, of Yahweh: Now now, in Jesus name, amen. maledette lobby ebraiche della frode del crimine e del satanismo fino alla feccia, voi dovete bere, la coppa ardente dellira, di JHWH: ora adesso nel nome di Ges amen alleluia. you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - 8211 - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs if you do not defend Christianity from those 4 gay, who are now in the Vatican, those who are saying, 8220nature Human is positive.8221 so that the modernists do the curse the Bible and of 1900 years of Christianity (one other of your masterpieces Masonic). Well, of course, you too will become a Muslims: also is not for that, that you have worked you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourselfYou are all lost Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - 8211 - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. is not Satanism, that you have planned to do to win: a win. because God has decided to block / stop your evil world domination. Islam will win: however, if you do not run fast for cover. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell you are Destined for Hell PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by Rei Unius :King :Israel: Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - 8211 - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. if You not to returned/ not give to me: the true Christianity, that you have corrupted and I give back to you the true Judaism: those evolved for modern times between 50 years we will all be Muslims you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi Idiot 123serio SAID: everyone hates you loser and now everyone hates your religion low life. - Response-. I am a mere layman, I am, no religion biblical Israel biblical Israel Is the sense is of all things Israel does not need His State, for to live:jew temple is strong more. you are Destined for Hell PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by ReiUnius :King :Israel: Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. But it is the Israel of YHWH, That is my Jewish people: my brothers, with justice, and love, I will lead all the Jews, at the true religion of Moses: and I will bring all the Jews, at the true shalom of Moses: The Glory of God, That I will bring on all the peoples of the world, That has not a precedent in the history of mankind: you are Destined for Hell PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah -- CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by ReiUnius. King. Israel: -- Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. I am I ReiUnius: Universal Brotherhood. I am the Decalogue, Namely the natural law. you are Destined for Hell PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by ReiUnius. King : Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiTo world - desperate call: the Jewish lobby has been clever, with money and masonry has corrupt the Christian religion, and to take control of Christian societies: good Now, now: Islam is unstoppable Jews You are all dead If you do not instituted a new Western morality, through ReiUnius, That is the King of Israel You, too Jews, you also will become all Muslims, like all of us of course The land that Islam wins is captured forever you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by ReiUnius :King:Israel: Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - 8211 CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. AMEN, I SAY TO YOU, THAT THIS None Shall Escape chastisement of the 3rd WWnuclear. DO NOT CRY peace, peace and security, WHEN THERE IS NO THERE IS NO peace AND security. NO MAN SHALL CONSTRUCT: Peace Without His GOD. You are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourself by ReiUnius King of Israel, Mahdi You are all lost Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King . Israel hallelujah: -- Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - 8211 - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. it is the CIA (the real Satanists), to say that human sacrifice to Satan are 100,000 each year. to control and dominate, institutions and religions. But, with my intelligence speculative metaphysics: I know, who are 200,000 each year, the human sacrifice to Satan. Satanism, Freemasonry as seigniorage banking are the foundation (hidden), of our Western institutions. You are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 by ReiUnius King of Israel, Mahdi 8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King . Israel hallelujah: Mahdi If it is true the crime of seigniorage Then all the rest, is true you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King . Israel hallelujah: Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - 8211 - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs if you do not defend Christianity from those 4 gay, who are now in the Vatican, those who are saying, 8220nature Human is positive.8221 so that the modernists do the curse the Bible and of 1900 years of Christianity (one other of your masterpieces Masonic). Well, of course, you too will become a Muslims: also is not for that, that you have worked You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 MrLEONEXIII SAID: There is no evidence that organizations: secret: Masonic-Satanic, undertaken, even today, human sacrifice ritual, as an element to maintain a complete conspiracy of silence Answer - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. it is the CIA (the real Satanists), to say that human sacrifice to Satan are 100,000 each year. to control and dominate, institutions and religions. But, with my intelligence speculative metaphysics: I know, who are 200,000 each year, the human sacrifice to Satan. Satanism, Freemasonry as seigniorage banking are the foundation (hidden), of our Western institutions. If it is true the crime of seigniorage Then all the rest, is trueyou are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJewish lobby - 8211 - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs is not Satanism, that you have planned to do to win: a win. because God has decided to block / stop your evil world domination. Islam will win: however, if you do not run fast for cover. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh Mahdi Jewish lobby - 8211 - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. bastards: enlightened sons of dogs Yif You not to returned/ not give to me: the true Christianity, that you have corrupted and I give back to you the true Judaism: those evolved for modern times between 50 years we will all be Muslims You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 Idiot 123serio 8220SAID: everyone hates you loser and now everyone hates your religion low life. - Response - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. I am a mere layman, I am, no religion biblical Israel biblical Israel Is the sense is of all things Israel does not need His State, for to live:jew temple is strong more. But it is the Israel of YHWH, That is my Jewish people: my brothers, with justice, and love, I will lead all the Jews, at the true religion of Moses: and I will bring all the Jews, at the true shalom of Moses: The Glory of God, That I will bring on all the peoples of the world, That has not a precedent in the history of mankind: I am I ReiUnius: Universal Brotherhood. I am the Decalogue, Namely the natural law. If anyone does not plagiarize the google translator Could I write even betterYou are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh Mahdi To world - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. desperate call: the Jewish lobby has been clever, with money and masonry has corrupt the Christian religion, and to take control of Christian societies: good Now, now: Islam is unstoppable Jews You are all dead If you do not instituted a new Western morality, through ReiUnius, That is the King of Israel You, too Jews, you also will become all Muslims, like all of us of course The land that Islam wins is captured forever You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 AMEN, AMEN, I SAY TO YOU, THAT THIS None Shall Escape chastisement of the 3rd WWnuclear. DO NOT CRY peace, peace and security, WHEN THERE IS NO THERE IS NO peace AND security. NO MAN SHALL CONSTRUCT: Peace Without His GOD. You are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourself by ReiUnius King of Israel, Mahdi ToaArgon94 SAID: all the Satanists, atheists, murderers, thieves, liars, adulterers, idolaters, homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals will burn in hell for all eternity unless they repent. Amen you are destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourselfby ReiUnius King of Israel: Mahdi MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiKorea Iran Saudi Arabia Somalia Yemen Maldives Mauritania Afghanistan Bhutan China Laos Uzbekistan Pakistan Turkmenistan Eritrea Comoros Chechnya Iraq Qatar Egypt Algeria Azerbairgian India Myanmar Vietnam Libya Nigeria Oman Kuwait Brunei Sudan Tajikistan Tanzania Turkey United Arab Morocco Cuba Djibouti Jordan Sri Lanka Syria Tunisia Biellorussia Ethiopia Bangladesh Bahrain Indonesia Kenya Kyrgyz Palestinians: you persecuted the Christian martyrs, who say of: 8221 universal brotherhood: equality love 8221 In this way, you agree to be Satan. This ministry8217s political of ReiUnius you will hurt Amen you are destined for Hell PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221by ReiUnius King of Israel: Mahdi I am Rei Unius. Rei Unius is the legitimacy of every authority: both political and that spiritual. this is why: I started to kill 500 million people these are my victims: during the entire duration of my dominion over the earth. Since these criminals are illegally, only illegally, they have took the power political or spiritual. they are outside of my feelings: ie they are illegally: Rei unius: is the universal brotherhood Rei unius: Metaphysics is the personalistic humanistic: Rei unius: is natural law, ie the image and likeness of God: The Man Rei unius: The bad people can lead to guilt and madness, and at death to. Amen you are Destined for Hell PAX I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 Corea del Nord Iran Arabia Saudita Somalia Maldive Afghanistan Yemen Mauritania Laos Uzbekistan Eritrea Buthan Cina Pakistan Turkmenistan Isole Comore Iraq Quatar Cecenia Egitto Vietnam Libia Myanmar Azerbairgian Algeria India Nigeria Oman Brunei Sudan Kuwait Tagikistan Emirati arabi uniti tanzania Turchia Gibuti Marocco Cuba Giordania Sri Lanka Siria Biellorussia Tunisia Etiopia Bangladesh Palestinesi Bahrain Indonesia Kirghizistan Kenia. Amen you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 Each year 160,000 Christians are martyred killed out of hatred for Christ: These are the 50 Most Criminals Nation in the world:1. North Korea2. Iran3. Saudi Arabia4. Somalia5. Yemen6. Maldives7. Mauritania8. Afghanistan9. Bhutan10. China11. Laos12. Uzbekistan 13. Pakistan14. Turkmenistan15. Eritrea16. Comoros17. Chechnya18. Iraq19. Qatar20. Egypt21. Algeria22. Azerbairgian23. India24. Myanmar25. Libya26. Nigeria27. Oman28. Kuwait29. Brunei30. Sudan31. Tajikistan32. Tanzania33. Turkey34. United Arab Emirates35. Morocco36. Cuba37. Djibouti38. Jordan39. Sri Lanka40. Syria41. Tunisia42. Biellorussia43. Palestinians44. Bahrain45. Bangladesh46. Ethiopia47. Indonesia48. Kyrgyzstan49. Kenya50. Vietnam. I swear by the living God: in Jesus8217 name: the blood of martyrs will suffocate you. I come to snatch your soul: 8220You will soon go down to hell8221 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by Rei Unius. King : Israel hallelujah: Mahdi XXXxThemessiahxXXX SAID: You are a Nazi Promoting religious ethnic cleansing. - ANSWER - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. There is some truth in what you say, in fact, while my friend 8220discepolobenedetto8221, is gearing up to start a church for and raise the dead. He has faith for doing this. My problem is, as I can do day: 500 million of Criminals, Those of: IMF NWO, Masons, enlightened, Satanic, Zionist Sharia: all racist. But, I think the good Jews, are many more: That I believe all people are good, I Believe That Only The Leaders Have Betrayed. If there is evil in all people Because there are only is it bad Some teachers like you you: enlightened, will not get: your criminal trick, to confuse the Jews with the Zionists You Have Already done too much harm to the whole human race with the absolute crime: of seigniorage and the American banking corporations: I now Have a tip for you to 8220get go out from my balls8221 MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiMuslims CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. how they can talk to me Muslims have all betrayed the sanctity of Islam, because it was just the first Mohammed to betray. Sharia law is now a crime ever against humanity. in fact, is the principle that this religion has been transformed into an ideology, to conquer the world but this is Satanism. be a criminal: it is a violent plan submission: a dictatorship. damn, murderers, thieves, racist and unjust, ignorant fanatics donkeys. Curse is upon you: and for your children, the evil will never depart: from you: it is your destiny. MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiJews - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. your religion has been corrupted, completely, by the scribes amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name Pharisees, who came from Babylon with the Talmud, it hides the hidden signs of that which your fathers were in secret swear by Marduk: to be Satanists, this is been processed, the cabal and the Golem: the enlightened them, have given a body, the demons aliens. yours is the worst racism amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name Satanism, for the domain of the human race. You are worse than muslmani. Your Satanism is perfect, can not be exceeded, you have always done evil, to the Christian peoples, who were forced to take protective measures against you. murderers, extortionists, loan sharks bank seigniorage. You have turned this planet in the antechamber of hell MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahdiChristian - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Protestant-MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh Mahdi CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. is an abomination, to think that whoever does not have the same interpretation of the Bible or the Church, he can be a heretic. All those who recognize Jesus as: real man, and it is also true God, they have the right to call themselves Christians and have the right not to be accused of being idolaters. This world is worth, because they are Christians, that they suck. They allowed that the Freemasons and the Jewish lobby, with their ideological and practical Satanism, the IMF-World Order, took control of the West. If the light is darkness, and the salt, not more flavor when it is desperate our situation MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh MahditoWorld: CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. UNIVERSAL PROCLAMATION: Taking notes: of the history of mankind. Ordain: We amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name Holy Spirit on all world-1. no man dedicated to religion (religion) can now Should Be Involved in politics: never 2. No Man Belonging to the Masons or other secret associating: Is Decayed Immediately from office amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name public office and is under criminal process. 3. We have abolished all secret societies. This decree has immediate effect, on all mankind: They May Be Damaged amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name shot dead, for us They are all offenders: These -- CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself -- MENE Techel PERES -- end game in the name of Jesus You are all lost Luke19.27 ReiUnius by: -- King -- Israel: amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesus name Mahdi Psalm 11: 14 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, you see my misery, the work of my enemies, you tear me from death8217s door, 15. they may proclaim your praise, rejoice in your salvation outside the city of Zion. 16 people plunge into the pit which they dug, the network that have stretched their foot gets caught. -- CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself -- MENE TECHEL PERES end game in the name of Jesus:You are all lostLuke19.27 by ReiUnius King Israel Mahdi Psalm 11:17. The Lord8217s presence, did justice to the wicked fell into the net, work of his hands. 18. return the wicked in hell, all the nations that forget God. 19. For the poor will not be forgotten, the hope of the afflicted will not be disappointed. -- CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself -- MENE TECHEL PERES end game in the name of Jesus:You are all lostLuke19.27 by ReiUnius King Israel Mahdi Psalm 11: 20 Arise, O Lord, not man prevail: in front of you people are judged. 21. Fill them with fear, O Lord, know the people who are deadly. -- CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself -- MENE TECHEL PERES end game in the name of Jesus:You are all lostLuke19.27 by ReiUnius King Israel Mahdi INDIA:Indian police forces to silence the sisters of Mother Teresa. They are the ones accused of kidnapping and conversion of children. Disprove the allegations, the children were returned to the nuns. The Sangh Parivar organizes tomorrow a demonstration against the nuns and their 8220child trafficking8221. Insecurity also in Karnataka where some Pentecostal churches were closed, while in good standing with the documents. For The Destruction Of These Criminals we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 Muslims as Satan amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesus name the law against blasphemy. Pakistan: protests around the world for the death sentence of Asia Bibi. Exclaimed Ali Dayan Hasan It is used especially against vulnerable groups who suffer discrimination: social and policy. 8221 Sadiq Masih, a relative of the family, states: 8220Asia is innocent. The villagers are taking a personal vendetta. 8221 Intolerance, Violence Against Women, and Lack of RESPECT, human rights mean in the world, there are many similar cases, the Iranian That Sakineh. The story of 37 year-old Pakistani Asia Bibi, Who Was Sentenced to death by hanging for blasphemy, does not Differ from His Iranian counterpart, the number of people Mobilized Around The World In Its favor. ENCYCLICAL 8220Humanum genus8221 of S. S.Leo XIII: vs Freemasonry, amen pax alleluia amen hallelujah 8211 CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. The human race, after that, to the envy of Lucifer walked away, miserably from God the Creator and giver, of things supernatural, split into two different fields and among their enemies of them, a fight without rest: for the triumph of truth and goodness, the other: for all that is contrary to virtue and truth. The first is the kingdom of God on earth 8230 the other is the kingdom of Satan, and are under its domain superb people, 8230 refuse to obey the eternal and divine law and try to obtain their goals, regardless of God and against God often these two realms, like two cities, with opposing laws, shall, at opposite ends, PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 INDIA. Orissa: killing Christians to stop development and dignity of tribals and Dalits: An expert sociologist talks, the reasons, the applicants8217 violence against Christians converting to Christianity, education and emancipation allow Tribals and Dalits, in slavery. Hindu fundamentalism hinders the search for greater justice, and social transformations taking place. For The Destruction Of These Criminals we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 Orissa: thousands of refugees and new victims, massacre of Christians continues. At least 10 thousand people. requesting assistance. in shelters, too. seek refuge. in the forests to escape the violence by Hindu fundamentalists. According to 8220reliable sources8221 presented by a Christian activist, there would be 8220at least 100 deaths.8221 For The Destruction Of These Criminals we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 INDIA: Orissa: no peace for Christians even in refugee camps. Even in the camps, the faithful find fundamentalists who force them to convert to Hinduism. Priests also threatened and abused. Orissa: six more churches burned, hundreds of homes destroyed. More and more Christian villages suffer from looting and fires, while the police remained inactive. The faithful are threatened with death if cristianesimo. lol practice. but, for the government of Orissa, the situation was 8220under control8221. ORISSA: satanic nightmare of India: founded on a lie of reincarnation, which is the foundation of the Hinduism, that is ruthless racism against the lower classes amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name female inferiority. The anti-Christian phobia (which with its splendor undermines all these lies) orchestrated by the government in New Delhi by Hindu amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name 8220VHP8221. For The Destruction Of These Criminals we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 -- MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh Mahdi:Hindusamen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s nameMuslimsamen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s nameCommunistsamen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s nameIsrael - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. I denounce you for being so: criminals ideological amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name practical, your hate amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name envy is the source of all evil amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name racist. This wave of your murderer I reject your hate and your racism: in the name of God the merciful and holy. Who gives you: permission to kill, rob, humiliate the Christians You have opened the mouth of hell beneath your feet You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell PAX -- I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross MENE Techel PERES PAX amen hallelujah CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself8221 -- MENE TECHEL PERES CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB 8220Drink your poisons made by yourself. 8220You are all lost8221 Luke19.27 by: alleluia: REI Unius . King : Israel :Lorenzojhwh Mahdi:Hindusamen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s nameMuslimsamen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s nameCommunists - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. The face of this persecution, mass planned amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name organized by governments: to expense of innocent Christians. The kidnapping amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu8217s name rape of Christian girls, etc. we look powerless, the destruction of the last vestiges: this to be in the words of His Holiness Benedict XVI, 8220the last remnants, of the Eastern Churches, which have done so much for the spiritual richness of humanity, suddenly, there is no one to raise your voice 8220-ANSWER - CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. is the Satanism of Muslims, before the arrival of this cursed scum of Muslims, who desecrated the sanctity of my Islam. Christian slave trade between Sudan and Saudi Arabia Having exterminated the Christian parents in Sudan, the children become slaves in Saudi Arabia. Where the fundamentalists, that are operated by the Sudanese government, have wanted to murder, during mass, in Khartoum, of the Cardinal Archbishop: Gebriel Zubeir Wako. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell 8221 -- PAX alleluia amen hallelujah 8211 CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross --MENE TECHEL PERES -- PAX -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB --Drink your poisons made by yourself ENCYCLICAL 8220Humanum genus8221 of S. S.Leo XIII: 8220Freemasonry, solidly structured and largely, widespread. In fact, no longer conceal their intentions, they rise up boldly against, the majesty of God in public and openly, they are plotting to overthrow the holy Church, for the purpose of depriving: completely, if possible, the Christian peoples of the benefits went to Jesus Christ the Saviour. us moaning, these evils, we, motivated by charity, we are often forced to rely on God in these terms: 8220Look, your enemies great clamor arose, and those who hate you have raised their head. Against your people, harbored evil intentions, and have conspired against your protected. They said, 8216Come and throw her, from the category of nations 8220(Ps 82.2-4). YouTube Rewind 2012 666 IMF Pharisees, and his satanic ISRAEL, which must be sacrificed to complete the New World Order: 322 NWO 8211 8212 demo-pluto-Judeo-Masonic 8212 you8217re biased, you8217re an imperialistic project Masonic (banking seigniorage: IMF 666 NWO 322) occult power satanic (new Babylon: Tower), for the extermination of all peoples if the peoples: were did not fall in total despair and anarchy (just as it is today), they would never raised totalitarian regimes. That8217s why, only you are responsible for the Holocaust, only you are: your: own curse. Pharisees, the fact of having the electronic control of the 8220big brother8221, and the largest social engineering Bildenberg Masonic occult system of control: that is, the science of Kabbalah: to stifle the nations until they are destroyed this is not a reason for you: be quiet I am the king of Israel, and I claim: what is mine I demand immediately, the whole of Palestine and the entire IMF. MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento 187AUDIOHOSTEM criminal Bush Kerry 322, IMF 666 NWO. 8211 because it is never possible to do a dialogue on the concepts and motivations: of no argument: with you because, you do not ever try to defend the reasons: Satanism, against me 666 lizad burn now.8212 I can understand the repute the lizards have a forked tongue, and fail, to speak well, However, if you had a little dignity you could at least try to defend your Satan, That is failed, ill and fell into hell to burn, against me I can understand the fact that the lizards have a forked tongue, and fail, to speak well, however, if you had a little dignity you could at least try to defend your Satan failed, and fell ill in hell, against me 666 8211 why should I be concerned, your shit It8217s all lies MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento CHINA 8211 demo-pluto-Judeo-Masonic 8211 China, the IMF has asked that, the banks may be open to the market 8230 The International Monetary Fund encourages China to reform, its banking system, but Beijing responds to want to decide for itself how to act 8230 8211 ANSWER 8211 no you do not trust of the IMF, the Pharisees are Satanists, which have stifled to death the people (who were forced peoples to choose Nazism and fascism, and communism) you do not fall into their trap, too, if pharisees: blackmail you, through, World War 8230 is better, a world war, that, you buy money: from: that bastard of cult 666 Baal owl, at Bohemian Grove, Marduk cannibal, 322, the Rothschild Satanic Pharisee: of the occult and Masonic: JabullOn satanic power, the ruin of civilization-Jewish-Christian. the occult planner: of: each Shoah: against: his own people, for destroy Israel, today, through the Nazi Islamists. MyJHWH ha pubblicato un commento CINA 8212 demo-pluto-giudaico-massone 8212 Cina, il Fmi chiede, che, le banche si aprano al mercato8230 Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale incoraggia la Cina a riformare, il proprio sistema bancario, ma, Pechino risponde di voler decidere da sola come agire8230 8211ANSWER 8211no non ti fidare del FMI, sono i farisei satanisti, che, hanno soffocato: fino alla morte i popoli (e che hanno costretto i popoli a scegliere il nazismo ed il fascismo, ed il comunismo) tu non cadere nella loro trappola, anche, se, ti ricatteranno, con la guerra mondiale8230 meglio, una guerra mondiale, che, comprare i soldi: da quel bastardo di Rothschild il fariseo satanista: dei poteri occulti e massonici, la rovina della civilt-ebraico-cristiana. l8217occulto pianificatore: di ogni Shoah: contro: il suo stesso popolo. 1/4.sharia in US: Oklahoma bans stonings, amputations for theft, death for apostates, Muslims cry 8220Islamophobia8221. A Muslim activist in Oklahoma City filed a lawsuit last Thursday challenging a voter-approved measure that bars Oklahoma state judges from considering Shariah, the Islamic religious code based on the Koran and the Prophet Mohammed8217s teachings, in formulating rulings. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell 8221 PAX alleluia amen hallelujah 8211 CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross -- MENE TECHEL PERES -- PAX -- C SPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB --Drink your poisons made by yourself 2/4.sharia in US: State Question 755, which passed last Tuesday with 70 of the vote, declares 8220the legal precepts of other nations or cultures8221 off-limits to Oklahoma court8230 24, Dio JHWH, Ges Cristo, Betlemme, Re Universale, ultima modifica: 2013-08-05T18:37:0000:00 da unius-rei Reposta per primo questarticolo Navigazione articolo


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